Fedora 18 Installation Guide
From cchtml.com
FGLRX driver from RPM Fusion (this will auto update with kernel update)
- first update system
su yum check-update yum update
- reboot
- in software manager enable "fedora 18 source\source-update"
- Install require stuff to get work properly
su yum install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers wget
Add Rpm Fusion Repo
- This will provide the latest driver and Control Panel Cat-13.4/13.8
su yum install akmod-catalyst
- if dependency check-out you will have to
interact by typing Y to install
- If all is good you need to rebuild the kernel. (NEED TO BE DONE EACH TIME AKMOD UPDATE HAPPEND FOR BEST RESULT)
Type this in the terminal
su new-kernel-pkg --kernel-args=nomodeset --mkinitrd --dracut --update $(rpm -q --queryformat="%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n" kernel | tail -n 1)
aticonfig --initial -f
- reboot