
From cchtml.com
Revision as of 15:43, 12 November 2012 by (talk)

The --pplib-cmd is an undocumented aticonfig command, appears to directly interface with firmware on card.

The full list of supported commands:

Get version of pplib:

# /usr/local/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd "get version" 
PPLIB version is 1.4 and is active

Get activity information:

# /usr/local/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd "get activity"
Current Activity is Core Clock: 915MHZ
Memory Clock: 1050MHZ
VDDC: 1175
Activity: 98 percent
Performance Level: 2
Bus Speed: 5000
Bus Lanes: 16
Maximum Bus Lanes: 16

Get fanspeed of device #0:

# usr/local/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd "get fanspeed 0" 
Fan speed query: 
Query Index: 0, Speed in percent
Result: Fan Speed: 100% 

Get clock information of device #0:

# /usr/local/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd "get clock 0" 
Engine Clock Range: 300-915 MHZ; Memory Clock Range: 300-1050 MHZ;

Set fanspeed of device #0 to 95%:

# /usr/local/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 95" 
PPLIB command execution is Successful!

/usr/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd="notify psrc dc"
PPLIB command execution is Successful! 

/usr/bin/aticonfig --pplib-cmd="notify psrc ac"
PPLIB command execution is Successful!

In the same manner:

get version
get clock
get swcntl
get pstate
get pmapping AC
get pmapping DC
get pmapping DCLOW # DCLOW doesn't work here
get psbatterylevel AC|DC|DCLOW
get eventCount Thermal
get eventCount VPURecovery
get temperature num # doesn't work
get FanInfo num # if I enter a number I get zero values back
get FanSpeed num # doesn't work)
get UserState 3d|2d
get activity # doesn't work
get ODParam # doesn't work
get ODLevel num # probably requires number
get ODDefaultLevel # doesn't work
get fs PowerPlay
get fs OverDrive
get fs ReducedRefreshRate
get fs ClockGating
get fs ReducedColorDepth
get fs OverDriveTest
get fs PowerBudgetWaiver
get fs PowerExpress

set fs PowerPlay enabled|disabled
set pmapping AC|DC|DCLOW optimalBattery|highBattery|balanced|highPerformanc e|optimalPerformance
set psbatterylevel AC|DC|DCLOW num (num == some number or two. doesn't work here)
set FanSpeed num num # probably expects two numbers, doesn't work
set UserState 2d|3d num num # doesn't work
set ODLevel num,num,num # doesn't work

notify psrc dc|ac|dclow
notify batterylevel num
notify suspend
notify resume
notify restState|forcedState|exclusiveMode begin|end
notify DispConfigChange
notify screenSaver|VPURecovery|Thermal|textMode|3dhigh|3d low|inactive|InitCompleted begin|end
notify AppSafeTo|AppUnsafeTo AdapterSwitch|ModeSwitch
notify AdapterDisableSafe
reset fan num
enum thermal num