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| {{VCT-on-top}}
| | A few years ago I'd have to pay someone for this ifnoramiton. |
| == aticonfig ==
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| Since version 8.18.6 the fglrx driver includes the '''aticonfig''' tool which simplifies ''xorg.conf'' editing. Here are some useful commands this tool offers (for a complete list see [http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/aticonfighelp ''aticonfig --help'']).
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| === Changes taking effect on startup ===
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| ''Changes will change the config file!''
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| | |
| ;Initial setup (creates device section using fglrx):
| |
| :<pre>sudo aticonfig --initial</pre>
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| | |
| ;Enable Video acceleration (Xv Overlay):
| |
| :<pre>sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv</pre>
| |
| | |
| ;Force fglrx to use kernel's AGP driver instead of own implementation (only use when internal agpgart doesn't work):
| |
| :<pre>sudo aticonfig --internal-agp=off</pre>
| |
| *Note: Newer fglrx driver versions do not include an internal AGPGART so the kernel agpgart is used no matter what.
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| ;Use extended desktop with two monitors (dual-head and big desktop):
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| Assuming you successfully completed the 'Ubuntu Gutsy Installation Guide' with two monitors connected:
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| | |
| :<pre>sudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right</pre>
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| This command will generate a dual head configuration file with the second screen located to the right of the first screen.
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| :<pre>sudo aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1</pre>
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| | |
| This command will set up big desktop to horizontal and set overlay on the secondary display.
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| | |
| :<pre>sudo aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,0</pre>
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| | |
| This command will disable underscan and saves the option until next driver update. Needed to remove black borders on some LCD displays by default.
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| | |
| If black borders doesn't remove try this :
| |
| <pre>
| |
| aticonfig --query-monitor # to see monitors
| |
| aticonfig --query-dispattrib=tmds2 #to see supported values
| |
| aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2,sizeX:1920 # to set X resolution
| |
| aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2,sizey:1080 # to set Y resolution
| |
| aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2,positionX:0 # to set X position to 0
| |
| aticonfig --set-dispattrib=tmds2,positionY:0 # to set Y position to 0
| |
| </pre>
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| | |
| Now, black borders is really gone.
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| === Changes taking effect immediately ===
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| ''Changes will not change the config file.''
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| | |
| ;Print information about power states.
| |
| :<pre>aticonfig --list-powerstates</pre>
| |
| Or, for us lazy folk, the shorter version is ''aticonfig --lsp''
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| | |
| ;Set a power state to the lowest (battery friendly):
| |
| :<pre>aticonfig --set-powerstate=1</pre>
| |
| *Note: check out available power states using ''aticonfig --list-powerstates''
| |
| *Note: this option does not work when an external monitor is connected
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| | |
| | |
| ;Print information about connected and enabled monitors:
| |
| :<pre>aticonfig --query-monitor</pre>
| |
| | |
| | |
| ;Examples how to enable two monitors on the fly:
| |
| * Assume you have two monitors already setup correctly ([http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301941 Dual monitor support] at Ubuntuforums)
| |
| * This example enable laptop internal monitor (lvds) and external monitor (crt1)
| |
| :<pre>aticonfig --enable-monitor=lvds,crt1 --effective=now</pre>
| |
| *Note: ''aticonfig --enable-monitor=STRING,STRING'' where STRING can be one of the following set, separated by commas: none,crt1,crt2,lvds,tv,tmds1,tmds2,auto.
| |
| Only 2 displays can be enabled at the same time. Any displays that are not on the list will be disabled.
| |
| *Note: check out connected and enabled monitors using ''aticonfig --query-monitor''
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| | |
| ;Turn off the second monitor on the fly and start to use only laptop internal monitor (lvds)
| |
| :<pre>aticonfig --enable-monitor=lvds --effective=now</pre>
| |
| | |
| |
| ;Swap monitors on the fly when using big desktop mode
| |
| * Assume you have two monitors already setup correctly ([http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301941 Dual monitor support] at Ubuntuforums)
| |
| :<pre>aticonfig --swap-monitor --effective=now</pre>
| |
| * Note: This only works for big desktop setup. This will swap the contents on the two monitors.
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| === Troubleshooting ===
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| Still not working? Go to the [[Troubleshooting]] page.
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| == Graphical Configuration ==
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| When instaling the propietary Ati linux driver, it also can install the Ati Catalyst Control Center. With this tool you can configure Ati's driver more easily.
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| [[Category:NeedsUpdating]]
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| {{VCT}}
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