Finish the sentence Beauty Is

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Ayer me dijo un catedrático de izquierdas que la economía no iba tan rematadamente mal. Hoy lo confirma un digital: plzzzz jb follw me !!!! i will never give up as u said never say never......,,.....87 Doc confirms that Pierce, Ray and Bradley will play: "Everybody's banged up. They have the same issues over there." i don't have a time to control my mind to say " I LOVE YOU SO BADLY " não é só o cabelo do Neymar , ele inteiro é feio !! PHOTO: Landeskoging Is The New Tebowing via : Aussies need 350 to be competitive or u can kiss your goodbye.Thoughts ? AusvSL 5/135 start puckering up!

conheço as 4 *--* são todas lindas e fofas mas acho terra tão liinda que sei la rs' No lo entiendo: ¿Carlos Vela se niega (por motivos personales) a jugar los Olimpicos por Mexico? fb ta quaaase acabando! Atualidades Segunda Edição no AR. No AM640 e no what are you wearing!?!? :) I'll see you there tonight! :) Who Wants My 23,000 message? ;D anyone? lol. salut :) You a bro ya van 11 , 11 fakes , acaso quieren matarme? Aiin delicias.. qe saudade de vocs! Cade a gostosa da Jenn?! "Não deixe o samba morrer...". Claro, ninguém quer que morra. Mas pode colocar pra dormir? loads of stuff but link is in profile :-D Pregunten :c : quien es ? weeee:) yay. sowwy. Cats are werid Well When Sonebody Said YOU Changed . That's What They Were Talking Aboutt.

I didn't even sleep til 4 last night, and I'm already up. Smh. hello mate! lost all your numbers - we are shooting this friday if you are all up for it? FOLLOW ME Tout les messages parlent de politique.. STOP ! Vancouver Canucks :: Canucks looking for grit RT for a kiss from Greyson. O Bullying começa quando as posers abraçam seu ídolo enquanto você fica ai falando com seus posters. Cruisin down the highway jammin! TheWeekend é --' mas não tenho. u--u smh ": 5 years of age with a tongue ring, wat a shame fail" nicetry d'awwwwhhh YODAAA this has just made my life. all I can think about is Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, and Family Guy. I think you are to blame... - kkkk - verdade - passou no teste do compromisso....rsrsrs ¿Cómo no te voy a querer, cómo no te voy a querer? ¡¡Si fuiste campeón de Liga por trigésima segunda vez!! HalaMadrid 32Ligas que tierna dulchiii *-* Gracias a tiii por siempre pensar en nosotros mas alla de la palabra "fan" por eso te amamos mucho :)