Main Page

Revision as of 09:34, 22 April 2006 by Mooninite (talk | contribs)
Welcome to the unofficial ATI Linux Driver Wiki
This wiki is the place to document tips, tricks and problems related to ATI's proprietary Linux drivers.

Current Release 8.24.8 (history)

Keep this site up to date and useful, please update these pages.

In The News

Want to do some research on ATI's drivers? Have a look at all the news articles that can find be found on the internet.
To make life easy for you, all the articles are available

Community Initiatives

The Linux ATI community has needed a universal area to document information regarding the proprietary ATI Linux driver. This wiki hopes to accomplish this requirement. Do you run a distribution that no one else does? Add a page and create links where they are necessary.

Besides this wiki there are two other places users can find further help and information. The first is an unofficial bug report database where users can post and track progress on driver bugs. The second is community-based user support which can be found at either the Linux Drivers or Linux Radeon Display Drivers forums.

There are of course many, many different other community resources with particular value for various vertical parts of the community. There is also the Distribution specific pages as well.


ATI's Linux drivers explicitly permit repackaging and redistributing of the drivers. Here is a sampling of distributions that either are directly packaging ATI's Linux drivers or have community packages.

Or view all distributions.